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Abstract Detail

Tomato sequencing - Morning

van Ham, Roeland [1], Peters, Sander [1], Jesse, Taco P. [2], de Jong, Hans [3], Datema, Erwin [4], Klein Lankhorst, Rene [1].

Progress on the sequencing of tomato chromosome 6.

THE goal of the Dutch tomato sequencing initiative is to determine the complete, contiguous sequence of the euchromatic parts of chromosome 6. Of special interest are the disease resistance gene clusters on this chromosome. The initiative is supported by the Centre for Biosystems Genomics. The euchromatic part of chromosome 6 is estimated to be 2.7 Mb in length on the short arm and 17.7 Mb on the long arm and approximately 200 BACs are expected to completely cover these regions. The sequencing strategy involves the selection of genetically anchored seed BACs using the Keygene and Cornell F2.2000 genetic maps. Prior to their sequencing, the location of seed BACs is routinely verified by FISH. Extension BACs for chromome walking are selected by a modified S(equece) T(ag) C(onnector) approach (Peters et al., Plant Phys. 140: 805). This involves the use of the SGN BAC-end sequences resource to firstly identify candidate extension BACs and subsequent high-resolution AFLP fingerprinting to verify the overlap between candidate extension and seed BACs and to select extension BACs with maximally extending inserts. As of March 2006, a total of 35 seed BACs and three extension BACs have been sequenced. Thirteen seed BACs are currently in the sequencing pipeline, and 15 minimally overlapping extension BACs from 20 seed BACs were recently selected by the STC approach and will enter the pipeline shortly. BAC sequences are annotated using an automated genome annotation pipeline system and both sequences and annotations are made available through the SGN tomato genome database. We will present the results from our first, large-scale gene predictions, annotation curation efforts and global chromosome 6 analyses.

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1 - Centre for BioSystems Genomics, PO Box 98, Wageningen, 6700 AB, The Netherlands
2 - Keygene N.V., P.O. Box 216, Wageningen, 6700 AE, The Netherlands
3 - Wageningen University, Laboratory of Genetics, Arboretumlaan 4, Wageningen, 6703 BD, Netherlands
4 - Plant Research International, Bioscience, Droevendaalsesteeg 1, Wageningen, 6708 PB, The Netherlands


Session: SAT04-7
Location: Hall of Ideas Room E/Monona Terrace
Date: Wednesday, July 26th, 2006
Time: 9:45 AM
Abstract ID:373

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