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Select the Keywords to browse their abstracts. Select as many as you like.

R3a (1 Abstract)
RAPD (1 Abstract)
rbcS (1 Abstract)
RB gene (1 Abstract)
real-time PCR (1 Abstract)
Recombinant Inbred Line (1 Abstract)
Reconditioning (1 Abstract)
Red skinned potatoes (1 Abstract)
reducing sugars (2 Abstracts)
Regmandra (1 Abstract)
regulation (1 Abstract)
regulatory networks (1 Abstract)
regulon (1 Abstract)
repellent plant (1 Abstract)
reproductive (1 Abstract)
reproductive barriers (1 Abstract)
Resistance (9 Abstracts)
resveratrol (1 Abstract)
Rf modifier gene (1 Abstract)
R gene (1 Abstract)
R gene polyculture (1 Abstract)
Rhizoctonia (1 Abstract)
ripening (2 Abstracts)
RNA interference (1 Abstract)
root knot nematode (1 Abstract)
root lesion (1 Abstract)
root system (1 Abstract)
RT-PCR (1 Abstract)
Rubisco (1 Abstract)
russet (1 Abstract)
Russet Burbank (3 Abstracts)
russeting (1 Abstract)
Russet Norkotah (1 Abstract)
RXLR effectors (1 Abstract)

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